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Franciska and Gábor's Engagement Photoshoot in Budapest
Franciska és Gábor esküvője idén tavasszal lesz, így tavaly egy októberi, napsütéses délutánon elkészítettük a jegyesfotókat Budapesten

Orsi and Tóni's engagement photoshoot in Budapest
Orsi and Tóni envisioned a true Budapest atmosphere for their photos, choosing Gellért Hill and the Liberty Bridge as the location for their

Engagement photoshoot at Lake Balaton with Greti, Adi and Chili
The story of a cozy picnic in Badacsonytomaj

Sara and Balazs's engagement photoshoot with 2 little corgies
In Sara and Balázs's engagement photoshoot, two important characters also participated: Rudi and Rozi, the furry, corgi children.

Bogi and Dani's engagement photoshoot
We held Bogi and Dani's engagement photoshoot on the Island Peak of Kisoroszi, the island of tranquility.
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